Successful charitable projects

Greete Poderat Young Athlete Scholarship 2022 won by Kaimar Vagul

Southwestern Advantage Foundation’s aim is to contribute to young people’s entrepreneurship education and experience in the countries where the Southwestern Advantage student program takes place. Since 2020 we are giving out our annual Greete Poderat Young Athlete Scholarship to support ambitious young athletes like Greete Poderat was. Greete passed [...]

By |2022-10-02T17:24:47+03:0028.05.2022|

Supporting Bizness24h entrepreneurial promotion contest in Latvia

Our 2nd charitable project in 2022 was supporting Bizness24h - the largest annual educational entrepreneurial promotion contest in Latvia, intended for young students. Their mission is to inspire young people to start a business and show them how to build successful businesses and thereby develop the economy as a [...]

By |2022-05-31T18:26:26+03:0025.05.2022|

Supported JA Estonian Student Company Fair with 600 €

Junior Achievement Estonian Student Company Fair 2022 took place from February 12-13 in Tallinn. A total of 245 student companies from all over Estonia participated in the fair in a total of six shifts with almost 800 students. The young participants were full of energy and super motivated - [...]

By |2022-03-09T17:08:56+02:0018.02.2022|

Greete Poderat Young Athlete Scholarship 2021 won by Karl Mell

Southwestern Advantage Foundation’s aim is to contribute to young people’s entrepreneurship education and experience in the countries where Southwestern Advantage student program takes place. Since 2020 we are giving out our annual Greete Poderat Young Athlete Scholarship to support ambitious young athletes like Greete Poderat was. Greete passed away [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:19:16+02:0017.05.2021|

Greete Poderat Scholarship 2020 won by Mari Linnus

Southwestern Advantage Foundation's mission is to contribute to young people's entrepreneurship education and experience in the countries where Southwestern Advantage student program takes place. Our second charitable project in 2020 was to support one ambitious young athlete like Greete Poderat was. Greete passed away tragically in 2019, on May [...]

By |2024-04-09T22:29:33+03:0017.05.2020|

Junior Achievement Estonian student company fair 2020

Over 300 student companies participated at the Junior Achievement student companies' fair that took place at Kristiine and Rocca al Mare centers on February 8 and 9, 2020. Ambitious young people had a total turnover of almost 20,000 euros in two days! Southwestern Advantage Foundation supported the organization of [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:21:36+02:0016.02.2020|

Helping Estonian Food Bank

Our last charitable project for the year was helping Estonian Food Bank. On December 13 and 14, food collection days which have become a tradition of the Estonian Food Bank took place during which giving people were invited to donate food to the donation carts of the Food Bank. [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:22:55+02:0028.12.2019|

Unicorns School

Our second charitable project in 2019 was supporting Unicorns School multimedia package on the Seed&Spark platform, which is meant for use in high school Economics and Social Studies curriculums. The full-length feature film Chasing Unicorns, which premiered in cinemas in September 2019, tells the story of two start-ups (starring [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:23:24+02:0020.06.2019|

Exchange year scholarship won by Theresa Pulst

Our first charitable project in 2019 was supporting a high school student full of courage and curiosity who wanted to go abroad for an exchange semester or year. The aim of the Southwestern Advantage Foundation is to promote entrepreneurship education and business experience for young people in the Eastern [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:23:47+02:0008.05.2019|

Helping Estonian Food Bank

Our last charitable project in 2018 was helping Estonian Food Bank. Every week the Food Bank helps various Estonian families who are selected by social workers that have information about the situation of the families and the amount of income. In most cases, families with a lot of children, [...]

By |2022-01-14T14:24:32+02:0020.12.2018|

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