Your contribution matters

You can support our cause by donating monthly to Southwestern Advantage Foundation’s accounts. By choosing Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovakian, or Estonian accounts your donation will support those countries’ youth.

Even ten euros a month is a considerable donation that will keep on helping Eastern European youth forever. Together we can create something extraordinary and keep doing good forever!

RECEIVER: Sihtasutus Southwestern Advantage

EE427700771003298669 (LATVIA)
EE957700771003298685 (LITHUANIA)
EE357700771003298698 (POLAND)
EE227700771003351409 (SLOVAKIA)
EE347700771002507584 (ESTONIA)


We are creating a sustainable charitable fund, that means investing the donations we receive to low risk investment instruments that create passive income. 50% of the passive income is directed to charitable projects and 50% back to investments. 

Read here how we are using the funds.

Contact us after donating!

We are giving a quarterly updates on the developments of the fund and our charitable projects. That’s why we invite our donors to our group and e-mail list. In order to do that, please send us your name and e-mail.