Our first charitable project in 2019 was supporting a high school student full of courage and curiosity who wanted to go abroad for an exchange semester or year.

The aim of the Southwestern Advantage Foundation is to promote entrepreneurship education and business experience for young people in the Eastern European countries where Southwestern Advantage program takes place. We want to bring opportunities closer to young people. That is why we supported a high school student who wanted to go abroad for an exchange year with 500 euros.

Nearly 20 young people applied for the scholarship. The applications and essays were very personal and ambitious. Selecting the best applicant was an extremely difficult task. The winner was Theresa Pulst, an 11th-grade student from Tallinna Ühisgümnaasium, who will go to Argentina in June 2019 with the ASSE Estonia organization to study for a year. Theresa had already gathered a large part of the money needed for the exchange year, and she excelled in extracurricular activities like music and running a student company.

Theresa had thought about the exchange year before, but it was a bit frightening: “For a long time I was wondering if the exchange year was still for me. I finally realized that the only reason I hadn’t gone yet was fear. I was afraid that maybe I wouldn’t get the money together or maybe I didn’t like it anywhere else or that maybe there wouldn’t be any nice people there. But then I realized that if a person is afraid but wants to do something, that’s exactly what they have to do. This is how people develop. That’s why I decided that I still have to live life to the fullest and try new things, and being confident now I’ll try again.”

Congratulations Theresa and good luck with your endeavors! It is great to see such ambitious young people.

Southwestern Advantage Foundation’s vision is to be the biggest charitable foundation in Eastern Europe that is built on investment principles and helping young people in obtaining knowledge and developing character so they can fulfill their dreams in life. We help European youth get better entrepreneurship education and offer investment knowledge to those who do not have the opportunity. We are working to reduce and prevent poverty.

We support charitable projects according to our mission. We only donate money from the fund’s passive income by directing 50% of the return to charity and 50% back to the fund. That is how your good deed will remain giving forever.

Help us do good: https://swacharity.eu/en/donate/