Our vision is to create the biggest sustainable foundation in Eastern Europe that is run by investment principles and supports the development of the youth. We wish to grow our fund’s assets in the most effective way and as transparently as possible by giving an overview of our charitable projects and investments.

We will continue to operate in accordance with our statute, our vision is to create the biggest sustainable foundation in Eastern Europe that is run by investment principles and supports the development of the youth. We wish to grow our fund’s assets in the most effective way and as transparently as possible by giving an overview of our charitable projects and investments.

As of the end of March, we have donated a total of 13,189 euros since the beginning of 2017. Our next charitable deed is giving out the annual Greete Poderat Young Athlete Scholarship:

So far we have supported Estonian and Latvian youth. In order to start donating to other countries, we want to raise at least 5,000 euros per country, so for this year we have planned projects in Lithuania and Poland as well. We wish to do 3-4 good deeds a year that are based on our mission to help young people acquire knowledge and skills, and develop their character so that they can fullfill their dreams.

We have fundraised 94,354 euros, that divides by countries:

In additionn to that we have fundrasied 3,230 euros one time donations for specific projects. We are sincerely grateful for all the supporters and especially our month-to-month donors. Help us to do good by becoming our month-to-month donor.

In total we have invested 84,828 euros. Since 2017, the fund’s assets have generated € 18,232 in passive income, of which € 7,717 dividend income, € 5,197 interest from crowdfunding projects, € 3,144 interest from bonds and € 2,174 interest from direct loans. In addition to passive income we have earned € 6,672 from the sale of stocks.

According to the fund’s principles, we donate 50% of the return on investments to charity and the remaining 50% is reinvested again. So your good deed will keep on doing good forever. Our wish is that the maintenance costs of the Foundation are as low as possible. The only costs of the fund are accounting, bank fees, web hosting and annual review. As the fund has grown, these costs have become increasingly marginal.

We continue investing in selected low risk and passive income generating instruments. Fund’s net asset value at the end of Q1 was 99,958 euros, which is remarkable – you can do a lot of good with 100k!

Southwestern Advantage award trip Sizzler that took place in February in Sharm El-Sheikh also deserves a lot of recognition. We organized a charity day and auction and collected over 10,500 euros in donations.

Many thanks to the organizers of the charity day and auction event host Oskar Orglaan!

Even more thanks to the supporters of the auction and those who participated in the auction: Jaanika Kersalu, Getlyn Meite, Triin Nõmm, Robert Rebel, Sarunas Peikstenis, Janis Brauers, Agate Redmane, Ilja Skopincevs, Karolis Budrys, Andres Märtin, Rene Perzinski, Janis Strapcans, Dzineta Strapcans, Oskar Koha, Ilona Savik, Anastasiia Mainhard, Agnese Masnikova, Taavi Ilmjärv, Henry Bedford and Karolina Jeszke. Your contribution will help young people forever!

Southwestern Advantage Foundation’s vision is to be the biggest charitable foundation in Eastern Europe that is built on investment principles and helping young people in obtaining knowledge and developing character so they can fulfill their dreams in life. We help European youth get better entrepreneurship education and offer investment knowledge to those who do not have the opportunity. We are working to reduce and prevent poverty.

We only donate money from the fund’s passive income by directing 50% of the return to charity and 50% back to the fund. That is how your good deed will remain giving forever.