Our goal is to create the biggest sustainable foundation in Eastern Europe that is run by investment principles and supports the development of the youth. We wish to grow our fund’s assets in the most effective way and as transparently as possible by giving an overview of our charitable projects and investments.
Since the beginning of 2017, we have donated 9 488 euros total. We wish to do 3-4 good deeds a year that are based on our mission to help young people acquire knowledge and skills, and develop their character so that they can fulfill their dreams.
We have fundraised over 67 939 €, in addition to that raised 3 230 € to fund one-time charitable projects. We are sincerely grateful for all the supporters and especially our month-to-month donors. Help us to do good by becoming our month-to-month donor.
In Q2 we gave out Greete Poderat’s Young Athlete’s Scholarship in the amount of 1000€. The scholarship was won by Estonian triathlete Karl Mell. Karl applied for the scholarship the second year in the row and in between those two seasons his results improved significantly – consistency is the key! Karl is also super sharp academically, winning the 11th season of the Estonian national science competition “Rakett69”.
In addition to charity in Estonia, we plan to support Latvian youth’s entrepreneurship education in 2021. More info coming soon.
We will continue our partnership with Junior Achievement organization since their mission resonates greatly with our mission. This year we plan to support the development of learning materials for the 1st to 6th-grade program (mini-mini company) and in 2021 the Estonian Student Companies Fair which takes place in February 12-13.
Southwestern Advantage Foundation’s vision is to be the biggest charitable foundation in Eastern Europe that is built on investment principles and helping young people in obtaining knowledge and developing character so they can fulfill their dreams in life. We help European youth get better entrepreneurship education and offer investment knowledge to those who do not have the opportunity. We are working to reduce and prevent poverty.
We only donate money from the fund’s passive income by directing 50% of the return to charity and 50% back to the fund. That is how your good deed will remain giving forever.
Help us do good: https://swacharity.eu/en/donate/