SA Southwestern Advantage’s mission is to promote entrepreneurial education and experience for young people. Continuing this mission, we once again organized the Entrepreneurial Youth Scholarship competition in Estonia in the fall of 2024. A total of 46 students from Tallinn University of Technology, the University of Tartu, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, and Estonian Business School applied for the scholarship. From the applications, 20 finalists were selected to participate in a seminar where Southwestern Advantage sales leaders shared their expertise in entrepreneurship, sales, public speaking, and leadership. During the seminar, all candidates had the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and give a short presentation.
The goal of the Entrepreneurial Youth Scholarship is to recognize and support young active and entrepreneurial minded students. Our aim is to inspire youth to realize their potential and create positive change in their communities and beyond. This time, two outstanding students were awarded the scholarship – Johanna Martinson and Tristan Hoffmann, each receiving €1,000.
Johanna Martinson – Activism and Leadership Experience
Johanna Martinson received the SA Southwestern Advantage scholarship for her exceptional activism, entrepreneurial spirit, and leadership skills. Johanna is the co-founder and CEO of the Youth Environmental Association (MTÜ Noorte Keskkonnaühisus), where she has led numerous environmental campaigns and projects. Her work has reached hundreds of young people and involved collaborations with prominent Estonian companies and public figures.
Under Johanna’s leadership, the organization was named Tallinn’s Youth Organization of the Year in 2023. In addition, she has implemented youth-oriented projects such as the radio series “Suurem pilt” (The Bigger Picture) and has enhanced her skills in leadership and entrepreneurship through courses and job shadowing opportunities.
Johanna is currently studying Energy Technology at Tallinn University of Technology and aims to contribute to Estonia’s energy policy and entrepreneurship in the future. The scholarship enables her to further develop her knowledge and skills to increase her societal impact even more.

Johanna Martinson
Tristan Hoffmann – Entrepreneurship and Dedication
Tristan Hoffmann was awarded the SA Southwestern Advantage scholarship for his exceptional entrepreneurship, independence, and dedication to education and promoting youth entrepreneurship. Tristan is studying Materials Technology at Tallinn University of Technology and is a co-founder of PELA Entertainment OÜ.
His company grew out of one of Estonia’s most successful student firms, ÕF PELA, which launched Estonia’s first Estonian-language meme game, “Mida MEEMI?!”. The game achieved remarkable sales success and is now expanding to international markets. Additionally, Tristan has shared his experiences in entrepreneurship and investing at conferences and schools, inspiring young people to embark on their entrepreneurial journeys.
Tristan’s entrepreneurial spirit is also evident in his long-standing interest in investing and his dedication to sports, where he has won the Estonian Premier League Championship and represented Estonia in youth national football teams. The scholarship supports Tristan’s goal to focus on his studies and take his company to new heights, setting an exemplary standard for youth entrepreneurship culture.

Tristan Hoffmann
Next Steps
We are incredibly proud of Johanna and Tristan’s achievements and wish them continued success in their entrepreneurial journeys. The Entrepreneurial Youth Scholarship is not merely financial support but also a recognition of their determination and dedication
We look forward to seeing how the scholarship recipients continue to contribute to society and advance entrepreneurship.
Sihtasutus Southwestern Advantage missiooniks on olla suurim investeerimispõhimõtetel tegutsev heategevusfond Ida-Euroopa riikides, mis aitab noori teadmiste omandamisel ja iseloomu arendamisel, et nad saaksid täita oma unistusi elus. Aitame Euroopa noortel omandada paremat ettevõtlusharidust ja jagame investeerimisteadmisi neile, kel puuduvad selleks võimalused. Töötame selle nimel, et vähendada ja vältida vaesust.
Suuname oma panuse heategevuslikesse projektidesse oma missioonist lähtuvalt. Annetame raha ainult fondi passiivsest sissetulekust. 50% tootlusest suuname heategevusse ja 50% tagasi fondi. Nii jääb Sinu heategu head tegema igavesti.
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